Uttarakhand: Covid-19 advisory committee submitted a report to the government, said- Corona was hunting the youth, due to negligence became heavy
This time the second wave of Corona is taking not only the elderly but also the youth. Thinking seriously towards this, there is a need to insist on starting tests and treatment even in the smallest hospitals. People have to be tested immediately and take medicines in case of mild cough, fever, etc. The advisory committee attached to Covid-19 submitted its report to the government.
The Chairman of the committee and Prof. Hemachandra, Vice-Chancellor of HNB Medical University, and Dr. Ashutosh Sayana, Principal of Doon Medical College, said in their report that 37 corona infected patients died in Doon Hospital within three days. There were 10 patients below 50 years of age, 12 patients aged 51 to 60 years, and 15 patients above 60 years of age.
Those who died included 43 percent women and 57 percent men. There was 70 percent of cases where fatal symptoms occurred within five days of the patient. 50 percent of the cases were directly related to the patients admitted to Doon Hospital, while 50 percent of the patients were referred here from other hospitals.
27 percent of patients died within 12 hours of admission
58 percent of patients died within 48 hours of admission, while 27 percent of patients died within 12 hours of recruitment. On the basis of these characteristics, the committee has sent its report to the government. It has been suggested that all the guidelines to protect Covid need to be strictly followed.
Apart from this, covid screening and treatment should be made up to every CHC, PHC level as well. Here the patient should be referred directly to the higher center as soon as he becomes serious. This will prevent deaths from the corona.
The committee has also found that most people are still preferring home remedies for symptoms of the corona, which is causing the epidemic. Therefore, emphasis should be laid on awareness so that more and more people get an immediate check-up and get treatment at their nearest health center.
The virus is quite poisonous in the second wave of Covid. Even after the symptoms of fever etc., people are taking treatment at home instead of being tested and treated, due to which the outbreak is increasing. People have to be made aware so that they can be examined and treated in a timely manner. Only then will we get rid of the corona outbreak.