BJP’s face in Gujarat elections Narendra Modi
The first phase of polling took place in Gujarat on 1st December. On that day the Prime Minister of the country, Narendra Modi did a road show of 70 kilometers and gave election speeches at five-six places. On the same day, he answered Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge’s question on ‘Raavan’. Now, these meetings are televised. But it was being shown live, so what is the meaning of the election code of conduct? Like other institutions of the country, the Election Commission is also a parrot in a closed cage or rather a crow. It is absolutely wrong that any party should be allowed to campaign on that day. But in India, there is a difference between words and deeds.
Now don’t know how much BJP and Congress understand Ram and his story? The BJP is happy that the Supreme Court gave the verdict on Ram Mandir during his tenure, which the BJP says is its victory and says that it will build the Ram Mandir. Now, who will explain to them that Ram is omnipresent, everywhere and everywhere? He is also worshiped in a Muslim country like Indonesia. Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi, and Muslim boys and girls of India are familiar with Ram Katha. Why is he being belittled by calling him the king of a small district Ayodhya? Ram is eternally everywhere and everything. They are not bound by the limits of time and space. They are also in Muslim-majority areas of Indonesia where Ramlila is performed.
Don’t know how Khadke Saheb told one hundred heads of Ravana and don’t know how Modi Ji answers by calling himself a devotee of Ram?
It has been told in Tulsidas’s Ramcharit Manas that the Ram-Ravana war was just a game of Maya. It is mentioned in the Aranya Kand of Ramcharit Manas that when Shurpanakha was crying and telling her condition to Dashagriva, Ravana created a drama of defeating Sita. Ravana says that now God has incarnated on earth. I will go and stubbornly enmity with them so that after getting killed by their hands, I can cross the world with the arrow of God.
On going to Laxman to take Kandamool, Ram tells Sita that he is going to do some Leela now. You reside in the fire. Ravana abducted the fake Sita and instead of keeping her in his palace, kept her in a safe cottage. On Rama’s persuasion, Sita immersed herself in the fire by keeping the Lord’s feet in her heart. Therefore, when Ravana defeated Sita, she was just a shadow. Ravana had also bowed down to such a shadow. It is described in Aranya Kand 27/8 that Ravana considered happiness in worshiping the feet of Sita Ji.
Rama is of infinite strength, eternal, unborn, formless, invisible, transcendental, the embodiment of science and incarnation on earth. In a mythological context, Vishwamitra tells Hanuman that Ravana had created the play to get salvation. He was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and Lord Shiva had given him many boons.
In this story, there is a message for the common man as well that in times of calamity even the intellect of the scholars gets confused. Neither Mr. Khadke could understand the story of Ram and forgive me, nor our respected and beloved Narendra Bhai. Anyway, our Prime Minister now has a big responsibility in the country as well as abroad and is the President of G-20 from December 1, 2022. Modi Ji’s fame is on the world stage.