Leader of Opposition Pritam Singh said the government is not worried about the safety of children
Schools were opened with half-incomplete preparation
Dehradun. Amidst the fear of the third wave of corona infection, the Uttarakhand government has opened schools for the children of classes 9 to 12 from today. While the Kovid vaccination of children has not yet started to prevent infection. In such a situation, school children have to go to school without safety cover. Due to which the possibility of spreading the infection to children cannot be ruled out. Experts have already warned about the high impact of infection on children in the third wave of the corona.
Congress is raising questions on this decision of the government. Attacking the government, Leader of Opposition Pritam Singh said that the decision to open the school with half-baked preparations is going to play with the lives of the children. We are not opposing the opening of schools, but what kind of arrangements have been made in schools to protect children from infection. Full preparations should have been made for this earlier. Schools should have been opened after all the arrangements were made in all the schools. Pritam Singh said that after the corona infection came under control in the first wave, the government had decided to open the school. But the schools had to be closed again when the children and teachers in the schools got infected. The government is not taking lessons from its earlier decisions. On the one hand, the government and the health department are making preparations for the prevention and treatment of children from the possible third wave of the corona. On the other hand, we are opposing the school which we have decided to open amidst half-incomplete preparations.
Full vaccination of teachers and staff not done
Leader of Opposition Pritam Singh said that the government has done the work of playing with the lives of children by opening schools in a hurry. It has come to his knowledge that all the teachers and staff of the schools have not been vaccinated yet. More than 20 percent of the teachers and staff are yet to be vaccinated. To avoid any responsibility, the government has said that only those students are getting admission in the school, who have the consent letter of the parents. That is, you can understand that all the responsibility will be with the parents. Due to the lack of cleanliness in schools closed for a long time, bushes have grown in many schools. These schools have not been cleaned. In such a situation, you yourself can understand how much the government cares for the children.
Where will it be sanitized without a budget?
Leader of Opposition Pritam Singh said that it has come to his notice that schools do not have a separate fund for getting sanitization done. Orders have been issued by the Education Department to sanitize the schools, but the budget has not been made available for this. The department should have made budget arrangements for this before the school opens.
There is no toilet and water facility in the schools
Pratim Singh said that 1170 schools in the state do not have toilet facilities. At the same time, drinking water facility is also not available to the children in 2109 schools and the government is saying that Uttarakhand has become open defecation free. Not only this, water is being supplied to every household, every household tap in one rupee. The government’s poll itself is opening government schools.